Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Guatemala Day 2!

Here is a message reeived from Renee late 6/22/15:
We got off to a great start this morning. Even being the first actual work day with lots of start-up info to digest, we were at the work sites by 9:00 a.m. Two of our home sites are on the property of a family that received a house 2 years ago. They have had a great tragedy since we last were here. One of the daughters died just 5 months ago leaving 2 young children for the grandmother to care for. She is the recipient of one of the homes. The family members remember some of our faces and we remember theirs...as one of our team members said, "It was like greeting long lost family this morning!" One of our sites is tucked into a tiny space but the team did an amazing job coordinating their movements throughout the day. Songs, stories and lots of laughter as we tried to understand each other happened throughout the day.

  Plans are set for Children's Bible School and medical education through the rest of the week. 

All is well. 

The food is absolutely amazing (sorry Arizona! But the again...may Arizona's food is just as awesome in a Southwestern kind of way ) Tonight's dessert: cheese cake with blackberry sauce and a glazed fig for garnish. (Where are we again????)

All we can say is Thanks be to God both for the great care we are receiving and the great privilege of serving those whose need deep and real.
Yours in faith,
Team Guatemala

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