Tuesday, June 23, 2015

News from Arizona!

Here is a message received from Rick Kirkpatrick late 6/22/15:

Our flights and connections were smooth on Sunday and we all enjoyed the stunning beauty of the changing desert scenery as we drove northwest from Phoenix to the reservation at Black Mesa.
They had dinner waiting for us when we arrived at 7 and we all struggled to stay awake during the orientation meetings. There is a group of 16 here from Florida and we've been able to get to know a few of them today. Nice folks!

       We've moved pews around to turn the sanctuary into our bunkhouse for the week and were grateful to collapse into our beds.
Bob, Jim, Rick and Brian are putting up a ceiling in a hogan (a traditional octagonal Navajo home) about 35 miles away. Denny, Maddie, Abby and Carol are doing hard labor, "stripping forms" from a foundation poured a few weeks ago for an addition to a house 100 yards from the church. We hope it's the closest any of us come to being on a chain gang! 100 degrees in the sun ...which is where we were:)

     It's been a good first day!

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